olives 2 ARTOLIO Best AOVE, EVOO, Extra virgin olive oil

Aahed Aaraj


Aahed Aaraj

I am from Jamaen near Nablus in the West Bank

My name is Iyas, 42 years old from Jamaen near Nablus in the West Bank. My family farm is considered as a big farm, its about 12 hectares planted mainly by Suri, Nabali and Becwal olive varieties.

⸻ About
I produce about 4 metric tons of oil every year

I produce about 4 metric tons of oil every year, I don’t see the productivity of my farm as a perfect one, I am not using irrigation right now but I hope the production will increase after using water and fertilization. Income that comes from olive represents 15% of my total annual income as I have other agribusiness activities.

⸻ EVOO & Virgin Olive Oil
My farm locates in a semi-mountain area

My farm locates in a semi-mountain area, around 12 hectare that’s planted by Suri, Nabali and Becwal olive varieties. The annual rain fall average is 650 ml per year. The total number of trees in the farm is 2250 trees, age of trees is between 3-50 years.

⸻ Natural Environment


olives 2 ARTOLIO Best AOVE, EVOO, Extra virgin olive oil

Aahed Aaraj


Aahed Aaraj

I am from Jamaen near Nablus in the West Bank

My name is Iyas, 42 years old from Jamaen near Nablus in the West Bank. My family farm is considered as a big farm, its about 12 hectares planted mainly by Suri, Nabali and Becwal olive varieties.

⸻ About
I produce about 4 metric tons of oil every year

I produce about 4 metric tons of oil every year, I don’t see the productivity of my farm as a perfect one, I am not using irrigation right now but I hope the production will increase after using water and fertilization. Income that comes from olive represents 15% of my total annual income as I have other agribusiness activities.

⸻ EVOO & Virgin Olive Oil
My farm locates in a semi-mountain area

My farm locates in a semi-mountain area, around 12 hectare that’s planted by Suri, Nabali and Becwal olive varieties. The annual rain fall average is 650 ml per year. The total number of trees in the farm is 2250 trees, age of trees is between 3-50 years.

⸻ Natural Environment


01 1 1 uai ARTOLIO Best AOVE, EVOO, Extra virgin olive oil

Zeyad Haj Olive Mill


Zeyad Haj Olive Mill

I am a farmer and in addition I own an olive mill in the town

My Name is Zeyad from Arrabeh town thats located in the north of West Bank. I am a farmer and in addition I own an olive mill in the town, its a family business that we started before more than 35 years.

⸻ About
The two-line mill we have produce 100 metric tons of oil

The two-line mill we have produce 100 metric tons of oil every good year, our profit share is 17 metric tons of oil. Usually the farmers pay oil for pressing not cash and this is the system that farmers and millers follow since many years (6-8% of the oil produced).

⸻ EVOO & Virgin Olive Oil
Olive are planted with olives mainly Suri and Nabali varieties.

The town where I operate is one of the main olive production area in Palestine, more than 35,000 donums of olive are planted with olives; mainly Suri and Nabali varieties. I sell 15% of my oil in the local market, 25% of it in the Israeli market and 60% in the arab countries mainly gulf region.

⸻ Natural Environment

01 6 uai ARTOLIO Best AOVE, EVOO, Extra virgin olive oil

Tamer Hamdan


Tamer Hamdan

I am from Bait Hassan village in the Jordan valley area near Nablus.

My name is Tamer, married and have 4 kids. I am working jointly with my brothers in the olive farm that we all own in addition to other products like grapes and citruses. I am from Bait Hassan village in the Jordan valley area near Nablus.

⸻ About
The olive varieties I have in my farm are Askal and Nabali.

The olive varieties I have in my farm are Askal and Nabali. I produce about 4.5 metric tons of oil every year, I have around 900 trees and around three hectares of olive trees. the income I get from olives represents 10% of my total income.

⸻ EVOO & Virgin Olive Oil
We have shortage of water but the olives cant survive without irrigation.

The soil in our area and my farm as well is salty and it needs more water for irrigation, We have shortage of water but the olives cant survive without irrigation. The weather is too hot in summer and the rain fall per year is less than 300 ML.

⸻ Natural Environment

01 5 uai ARTOLIO Best AOVE, EVOO, Extra virgin olive oil

Naser Mustafa


Naser Mustafa

I am involved in olive farming since I was 10 years old.

My name is Naser Mustafa, 74 years old, married and have 7 children. From Kufur Jammal near Tulkarm in the West Bank. I am involved in olive farming since I was 10 years as this is my family business many years ago.

⸻ About
The olive varieties in my farm are Nabali Baladi and Manzilino.

The 5 hectare farm I own is planted with 400 trees (around 30 years age), I produce around 1500 kg of oil each season. The olive varieties in my farm are Nabali Baladi and Manzilino. Income that comes from oil represents 30% of my total income.

⸻ EVOO & Virgin Olive Oil
Kufur Jammal is a semi coastal area

Kufur Jammal is a semi coastal area, the soil is sandy where water for irrigation is available most of the time during the year, my land is semi flat that make farming easier.

⸻ Natural Environment


Captura de pantalla 2023 04 26 a las 12.57.56 uai ARTOLIO Best AOVE, EVOO, Extra virgin olive oil

Mohammad Sholi


Mohammad Sholi

My initial job is a pilot, I worked in many countries for several years and returned to my homeland after the Oslo agreement.

My name is Mohammad, I am 67 years old, married and have 7 kids. My initial work is pilot, I worked in many countries for several years and returned back to my homeland after Oslo agreement between Israel and Palestinians. I decided to work on the family farm and apply what possible techniques to improve both oil quality and quantity.

⸻ About
I got the first prize of best olive oil in Palestine in year 2018

My 5 hectares farm located on the top of a hill at Asira village, I have around 1000 trees with age range 40-80 years. My annual production is 8,000 kg of oil. I got the first prize of best olive oil in Palestine in year 2018, the third prize in year 2020 ‘Palestinian Golden Oil’. The income I got from oil represents 50% of my total income.

⸻ EVOO & Virgin Olive Oil
My farm located on the top of high hill at Asira village near Nablus

My farm located on the top of high hill at Asira village near Nablus, its a nice area where weather is beautiful and temperature is not high most of the time during the year, the rain fall is around 700 ML per year in my area and most of the olive farming is dry farming, irrigation is very rare in my area. My farm located on the top of hill and the soil in my farm is muddy.

⸻ Natural Environment

01 4 uai ARTOLIO Best AOVE, EVOO, Extra virgin olive oil

Khairi Jrab


Khairi Jrab

The olive farm is a family business where me and my children engage in.

My name is Khairi Jrab from Ateel near Tulkarm city in the West Bank. I am 62 years old, married and have 7 children. The olive farm is a family business where me and my children engage in.

⸻ About
The total area of my farm is 4 hectares, around 1300 trees with age range of 9-70.

The total area of my farm is 4 hectares, around 1300 trees with age range of 9-70. I produce around 8000 kg of oil and I have specific customers along the West Bank territories and inside Israel.

⸻ EVOO & Virgin Olive Oil
Soil is a mix of sandy and clay.

Ateel where I live is a semi coastal area, I usually irrigate my trees but not in a systematic way, not based on clear understanding about the needs of water per tree. Water is available and cheap compare it with other areas in the West Bank, soil is a mix of sandy and clay.

⸻ Natural Environment


02 5 1 uai ARTOLIO Best AOVE, EVOO, Extra virgin olive oil

Jehad Talalweh


Jehad Talalweh

I have been working in my 2-hectares olive farm since 25 years

My name is Jehad, I have been working in my 2-hectares olive farm since 25 years. This is a family business that I decided to go through because I have good knowledge and experience on it compare it with other agriculture activities, its still traditional approach but I hope that I can do the change that will enable maximizing my production in both quality and quantity.

⸻ About
The farm provided 200 working days during the year for 4 family members.

My annual production is around 1500 kg of oil per season, I have 500 trees with age range 10-25 years. Income from olives represents 20% of my annual total income. In addition, the farm provided 200 working days during the year for 4 family members.

⸻ EVOO & Virgin Olive Oil
My farm is located at Arabeh valley near Jenin area in the West Bank

My farm is located at Arabeh valley near Jenin area in the West Bank, its a 2- hectares. My town considered as one of intensive olive planting area in the north of West bank. Rain fall is around 700 ml per season and water is quiet available in the valley. I have two varieties in my farm; Suri and improved Nabali.

⸻ Natural Environment


03 6 6 uai ARTOLIO Best AOVE, EVOO, Extra virgin olive oil

Iyas Hussein


Iyas Hussein

I am from Jamaen near Nablus in the West Bank

My name is Iyas, 42 years old from Jamaen near Nablus in the West Bank. My family farm is considered as a big farm, its about 12 hectares planted mainly by Suri, Nabali and Becwal olive varieties.

⸻ About
I produce about 4 metric tons of oil every year

I produce about 4 metric tons of oil every year, I don’t see the productivity of my farm as a perfect one, I am not using irrigation right now but I hope the production will increase after using water and fertilization. Income that comes from olive represents 15% of my total annual income as I have other agribusiness activities.

⸻ EVOO & Virgin Olive Oil
My farm locates in a semi-mountain area

My farm locates in a semi-mountain area, around 12 hectare that’s planted by Suri, Nabali and Becwal olive varieties. The annual rain fall average is 650 ml per year. The total number of trees in the farm is 2250 trees, age of trees is between 3-50 years.

⸻ Natural Environment


Captura de pantalla 2023 04 26 a las 18.27.14 uai ARTOLIO Best AOVE, EVOO, Extra virgin olive oil

Salfit Olive Mill


Salfit Olive Mill

I am from Salfit city in the West Bank

My name is Sameer Almasri, I am the CEO of Alzayton company that owns a mill and a distribution company for olive oil. I am from Salfit city in the West Bank, I am engineer and working in the olive sector for more than 30 years. the company established in year 2006.

⸻ About
The company owned by 40 olive producers

We have three mills in Salfit, our 2 lines mill is the newest one among them, 2000kg of olives/ hour per line. Our mill produces 400-500 metric tons of oil every year (depending on the season),the company share is 25-30 metric tons every year. The company owned by 40 olive producers, each one of them has different shares. we sell 40% of our oil in the local market, 10% in Israel and 50% abroad.

⸻ EVOO & Virgin Olive Oil
Salfit region is well known as one of the biggest oil production region in West Bank

Salfit region is well known as one of the biggest oil production region in West Bank, beside of that it produces the highest quality oil in the WB, consumers usually pay more for the oil produced in Salfit as farmers there follow good practices in terms of collecting fruits, pressing of olives and oil storage.

⸻ Natural Environment