AgroInfluencers: The Emerging Voices in the Agricultural Landscape

In the digital age, ‘influencers’ are transforming every sector, from fashion and food to travel and fitness. In the agriculture sector, a new breed of influencers known as ‘agroinfluencers’ are stepping into the limelight. These modern farmers, agricultural students, and farming enthusiasts use social media to share their daily lives, insights, and knowledge about agriculture, inspire others, and reshape the perception of rural life.

1. Understanding AgroInfluencers

An agroinfluencer is an individual with the ability to influence others’ perceptions, opinions, and decisions related to agriculture and rural life. They are typically young farmers, agricultural engineers, veterinarians, forestry workers, and other professionals in the agriculture sector. They leverage social media platforms to share their work and lifestyle in the countryside.

Their influence extends beyond their immediate followers. They engage with agricultural machinery companies, agricultural brands, and even government institutions. Their content ranges from practical farming tips, educational information about agricultural practices, to personal narratives about rural life.

1.1 The Rise of AgroInfluencers

The rise of agroinfluencers is largely attributed to the digital revolution and the growing popularity of social media platforms. As of January 2023, there were 5.16 billion internet users worldwide, representing 64.4% of the global population. Of these, 4.76 billion, or 59.4% of the global population, are social media users.

The proliferation of social media platforms has provided an avenue for individuals to share their thoughts, experiences, information, ideas, and opinions with a broad audience. This is particularly beneficial for individuals looking to establish their personal brand or business. Social media platforms offer a platform to reach a wider audience and build an online community.

In the agriculture sector, the use of social media has been on the rise. Farmers and agricultural professionals have discovered the numerous benefits these platforms offer, such as connecting with other farmers and promoting their products.

2. The Role of AgroInfluencers

Agroinfluencers play a crucial role in the agriculture sector. They serve as a bridge between the rural and urban worlds, shedding light on the realities of farming and rural life. They also help break down stereotypes about agriculture and rural areas, providing a more realistic and nuanced perspective.

2.1 Educating the Public

One of the primary roles of agroinfluencers is to educate the public about agriculture and rural life. They share their knowledge about various agricultural practices, including crop cultivation, livestock rearing, and agroforestry. They also discuss the challenges and opportunities in agriculture, providing valuable insights for both farmers and non-farmers alike.

2.2 Advocacy for Sustainable Practices

Many agroinfluencers are strong advocates for sustainable agricultural practices. They promote methods that enhance agricultural productivity while minimizing negative environmental impacts. They also highlight the importance of biodiversity conservation, soil health, and water conservation in agriculture.

2.3 Marketing and Promotion

Agroinfluencers often collaborate with agricultural brands and companies for marketing and promotion. They might use their platform to showcase a particular agricultural product, demonstrate its usage, or share their personal experiences with it. They can effectively increase the visibility of these brands and products, reaching a wider audience than traditional advertising methods.

3. The Impact of AgroInfluencers

Agroinfluencers have a significant impact on the agriculture sector and beyond. They can shape public opinion, influence consumer behavior, and even affect policy decisions.

3.1 Shaping Public Opinion

Agroinfluencers can significantly shape public opinion about agriculture and rural life. By sharing their experiences and insights, they can challenge common stereotypes, dispel misconceptions, and provide a more accurate portrayal of farming and rural life. This can lead to increased appreciation and support for farmers and the agricultural sector.

3.2 Influencing Consumer Behavior

Agroinfluencers can also influence consumer behavior. For example, they can promote local and sustainably produced agricultural products, influencing consumers to make more environmentally-friendly purchasing decisions. They can also raise awareness about issues such as food waste and food security, prompting consumers to adopt more responsible consumption habits.

4. Some of our female AgroInfluencers

There are numerous agroinfluencers making significant contributions to the agriculture sector. Here are some noteworthy examples:

4.1 Cristina Stribacu

cristina stribacu ARTOLIO Best AOVE, EVOO, Extra virgin olive oilCristina Stribakou is the founder of the LIÁ Premium Olive Oil company, known for its award-winning extra virgin olive oil produced in the olive groves owned by LIÁ Cultivators in Messinia, Greece. Cristina studied Art History and Italian, and when her entrepreneurial spirit faced the challenge of implementing sustainable and environmentally friendly practices on her farm, she was fully committed. She is a passionate, dedicated and forward-looking professional whose aim is to provide high-quality services and offer LIÁ premium extra virgin olive oil, a world-class product, with respect for authenticity and nature.

4.2 Ayala Noy Meir

ayala noy meir ARTOLIO Best AOVE, EVOO, Extra virgin olive oilAyala Noy Meir is a leading agronomist with a master’s degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She has specialised in the field of olive oils, being a professional taster and leading the panel of the International Olive Oil Council.

In addition to her academic role, Noy Meir is the Manager of the “Rish Lakish” organic olive oil mill. In this role, she oversees the cultivation of over 100 acres of organic olive trees, with a diversity of 8 varieties.

His experience and expertise has also extended to teaching, being a lecturer on olive oil at various forums. Ayala Noy Meir also brings her experience as a quality consultant to olive oil producers in Israel.

Her reputation and skills have made her a highly regarded judge in national and international olive oil competitions. In short, Ayala Noy Meir is a professional with a deep passion for excellence in olive oil, dedicated to quality and to the promotion of organic and sustainable practices.

4.3 Emilie Borel Berta

emilie borelberta olive jcattard 01bis ARTOLIO Best AOVE, EVOO, Extra virgin olive oilEmilie Borel-Berta is passionate about Mediterranean culture and olive growing. Originally from Corsica, Emilie has transformed 35 hectares of land into a thriving olive oil production business. With the help of Italian expert Ivo Berta, Emilie built a mill using state-of-the-art technology to produce olive oil of the highest quality. Through her hard work and dedication, Emilie has managed to cultivate olive trees on land that was once devoid of them. Today, her organic mill attracts visitors from all over the world and her olive oil is available through various delivery options. His love for the history and culture of Corsica is reflected in every bottle of his precious olive oil.




4.4 María Lanagran

maria lanagran ARTOLIO Best AOVE, EVOO, Extra virgin olive oil

Maria Lanagran, daughter of ARTOLIO’s renowned Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) producer Blas Lanagran, is a passionate and dedicated professional. As the new generation of the family production, Maria is determined to push the family business forward and give a more prominent role to women in the sector. Her academic background in chemistry and specialisation in elaiotechnology, combined with her role as a researcher in the area of food technology in the Department of Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering at the University of Jaén, positions her as a key figure in the advancement of the olive oil sector. Her dedication to the study of the quality and traceability of olive oil, and her focus on creating innovative strategies to improve its production, highlight her commitment to excellence and innovation. Maria Lanagran is undoubtedly an emerging leader in the olive oil industry.

5. The Future of AgroInfluencers

The role of agroinfluencers in the agriculture sector is likely to grow in the future. As social media continues to evolve and expand, more individuals will have the opportunity to share their experiences and insights about agriculture and rural life.

Agroinfluencers will continue to play a crucial role in educating the public, advocating for sustainable practices, and promoting agricultural products. They will also continue to shape public opinion and influence consumer behavior in ways that benefit the agricultural sector.

Moreover, as the digital divide in rural areas continues to narrow, more farmers and agricultural professionals will have access to social media and the opportunity to become agroinfluencers. This will further diversify the voices and perspectives in the agricultural discourse, fostering a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of agriculture and rural life.

The rise of agroinfluencers signifies a new era in agricultural communication. It reflects the growing recognition of the importance of agriculture and rural life in our society. It also highlights the power of social media in bridging the urban-rural divide and bringing agriculture closer to the public.

In conclusion, agroinfluencers are more than just social media personalities. They are advocates, educators, and change-makers in the agricultural sector. They are the emerging voices in the agricultural landscape, shaping public opinion, influencing consumer behavior, and driving positive change in agriculture and rural life.


Content created by:

Jesus F. Gordillo

Communication Manager of ARTOLIO ENI CBC MED

Strategic Director of Kellenföl Ad, an agency based in Barcelona. Advisor to companies and public institutions. Professor of marketing and advertising strategies.