Empowering small producers: Artolio Eni CBC Med’s impact on the Mediterranean extra virgin olive oil industry

mujer olivar kellenfol 1 ARTOLIO Best AOVE, EVOO, Extra virgin olive oil

Introduction to the Mediterranean Extra Virgin Olive Oil Industry

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the most representative products of the Mediterranean diet. Its production and consumption are closely linked to the history, culture and economy of Mediterranean countries. The quality of extra virgin olive oil is fundamental to guaranteeing its healthy and organoleptic properties, and for this reason, the sector is subject to rigorous quality controls and designations of origin.

Currently, the global extra virgin olive oil market is dominated by large companies that can afford the costs of production and distribution, leaving small producers at a disadvantage. The latter often lack the necessary resources to compete, which makes it difficult for them to stay in business and preserve the traditions and production techniques that guarantee product quality.

Challenges facing small-scale producers in the sector

Small producers of extra virgin olive oil face numerous challenges to stay in the market. One of the main problems is the lack of access to adequate financing to invest in technology and improve their production processes. In addition, they tend to have fewer resources to promote their products and create a recognized brand in the national and international market.

Globalization and price competition also represent important challenges for small producers. Access to international markets can be complicated due to trade barriers and transportation and distribution costs. In addition, competition from other extra virgin olive oil producing countries, which can offer lower prices, hinders the profitability of small producers.

artolio project scaled ARTOLIO Best AOVE, EVOO, Extra virgin olive oilArtolio Eni CBC Med’s mission to empower smallholder farmers

Artolio Eni CBC Med is a project that seeks to empower small-scale extra virgin olive oil producers in the Mediterranean through the promotion of sustainable practices and the strengthening of their productive and commercial capacities. The main objective of this project is to improve the competitiveness and added value of small-scale producers, while preserving the environment and cultural traditions.

Artolio Eni CBC Med works in collaboration with local and international organizations to develop tools and strategies to facilitate the adoption of sustainable practices in the extra virgin olive oil industry. In addition, the project seeks to facilitate access to financing and international markets for small producers, as well as to promote cooperation among them to share knowledge and resources.

Artolio Eni CBC Med Success Stories

Thanks to Artolio Eni CBC Med’s support, numerous small Mediterranean extra virgin olive oil producers have been able to improve their production practices and increase their competitiveness on the market. These success stories demonstrate the potential of this project to transform the industry and generate economic, social and environmental benefits for local communities.

One of the success stories is that of a small producer in Greece who managed to obtain organic certification for his extra virgin olive oil, which allowed him to access new markets and improve his income. Another case is that of a group producers who, thanks to technical and financial support from Artolio Eni CBC Med, were able to modernize their facilities and improve the quality of their product.

Sustainable practices in Mediterranean extra virgin olive oil production

One of the pillars of Artolio Eni CBC Med is the promotion of sustainable practices in the production of extra virgin olive oil. These practices include the use of environmentally friendly agricultural techniques, such as organic farming, the responsible use of water resources and the reduction in the use of chemical products. In addition, the project encourages the adoption of technologies that improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Sustainability also applies to the management of by-products and waste generated during the production process. Artolio Eni CBC Med promotes the reuse and recycling of these by-products, as well as the creation of new value-added products from them, such as fertilizers or biomass for energy production.

Economic impact of Artolio Eni CBC Med on the industry

Artolio Eni CBC Med’s support to small Mediterranean extra virgin olive oil producers has generated a significant economic impact on the industry. By improving the competitiveness and added value of these producers, new jobs have been created and sources of income for local communities have been diversified.

In addition, the strengthening of the productive and commercial capacities of small producers has made it possible to increase exports of extra virgin olive oil from the Mediterranean, thus helping to improve the trade balance of the countries involved in the project.

Social and environmental benefits of support to small producers

Supporting small Mediterranean extra virgin olive oil producers through the Artolio Eni CBC Med project generates significant social and environmental benefits. The promotion of sustainable practices contributes to environmental conservation and the fight against climate change, while preserving the cultural traditions and agricultural heritage of local communities.

In addition, by improving the quality of life and income of small producers, it promotes rural development and helps reduce migration to urban areas. This, in turn, favors social cohesion and the strengthening of community networks.

How consumers can contribute to the empowerment of small producers

Consumers have a key role to play in empowering small Mediterranean extra virgin olive oil producers. By choosing products made by these producers, the customer can support their economic activity and contribute to the preservation of the environment and the cultural heritage associated with the production of extra virgin olive oil.

In addition, consumers can promote the consumption of quality extra virgin olive oil of sustainable origin by disseminating information and supporting initiatives such as Artolio Eni CBC Med. This raises awareness of the importance of preserving quality and sustainability in the extra virgin olive oil industry.

Future outlook for the Mediterranean extra virgin olive oil industry

The future of the Mediterranean extra virgin olive oil industry depends to a large extent on the ability of small producers to meet the challenges posed by the global market. Projects such as Artolio Eni CBC Med are fundamental to guarantee the sustainability and competitiveness of these producers, and to preserve the quality and identity of extra virgin olive oil.

As the demand for healthy and sustainable products continues to increase, Mediterranean extra virgin olive oil is expected to maintain its privileged position in the global market. However, this requires continued investment in strengthening the productive and commercial capacities of small producers, as well as in promoting sustainable practices and technological innovation.

In addition, it is important that governments and international organizations continue to support the development of the Mediterranean extra virgin olive oil industry, ensuring a favorable economic and legal environment for small producers and promoting cooperation between the different actors in the sector.

Conclusions: The lasting impact of Artolio Eni CBC Med.

In conclusion, the Artolio Eni CBC Med project is having a significant impact on the Mediterranean extra virgin olive oil industry by empowering small producers and promoting sustainable practices and capacity building. Through their work, they are generating significant economic, social and environmental benefits for local communities.

However, much remains to be done to ensure the sustainability and competitiveness of the Mediterranean extra virgin olive oil industry in the future. It is necessary to continue supporting small producers and promoting sustainable practices and technological innovation, as well as fostering cooperation among the different actors in the sector.

As consumers, we can also contribute to the empowerment of small Mediterranean extra virgin olive oil producers through our purchasing decisions and the promotion of sustainable practices in the industry. Together, we can ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for this industry that is so important to the Mediterranean economy, culture and environment.




Content created by:

Jesus F. Gordillo

Communication Manager of ARTOLIO ENI CBC MED

Strategic Director of Kellenföl Ad, an agency based in Barcelona. Advisor to companies and public institutions. Professor of marketing and advertising strategies.