Blas Lanagrán

“ARTOLIO has opened the doors to us to the environmental protection of our olive grove”

The ARTOLIO project’s main objective is to benefit its participants. It is a people-oriented project and it prides itself on providing the necessary help to the farmers who are part of it. Blas Lanagrán, the protagonist of this story, is one of the many participants who has witnessed the results of the project first-hand.

Blas’s family consisted mainly of bakers. However, forty years ago, after inheriting a vast farmland located in the area of Jaén (region of Andalucía, south of Spain), his relatives decided to venture into the world of the olive tree. However, until now, Blas had not been able to sell his own olive oil. In addition, the irrigation system that was installed until the beginning of this year did not match the needs of the crop nor did it respect the needs of the environment. In other words, despite the prosperity of the olive harvest, Blas did not have the means to create a commercial brand nor develop his harvesting system towards one that was more respectful with the environment.

The olives used for her award-winning organic and extra virgin Consequently, the funds earmarked for Blas were invested in infrastructure and the guidance necessary to commercialize the oil. Thus, the project has opened the doors to the environmental protection of our olive grove with the implementation of an irrigation system with photovoltaic panels, which completely separates us from the fossil fuels that we were using and how much damage they are doing to the planet and to our environment”, assures Blas, after the installation of the new irrigation system.

IMG 0054 Water drive motor ARTOLIO Best AOVE, EVOO, Extra virgin olive oil

Thanks to the project, Blas now enjoys “something that we had in mind for many years and that we thought we would never achieve”: being able to market his own extra virgin olive oil and contribute to the environment with which he lives and works every day.

Hadas Lahav participates as a beneficiary of the ARTOLIO project, funded by the European Union under the ENI program.