“Koroneiki Organic EVOO” by Monogram

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Greek monovarietal Koroneiki exclusively from our latest harvest offers a charismatic, high-end, pure olive oil with a brilliant green color, rich herbaceous flavor and fresh aroma. Experience MONOGRAM’S opulence of nature, discover the Koroneiki variety, the Queen of olive cultivars. Koroneiki (O. europeae var. Microcarpa alba) is an indigenous Greek olive variety, recognized worldwide as one of the most preferred cultivars for olive oil production. Its name derives from “Koroni”, a small coastal town in the south-east part of Messinia in the Peloponnese, the birthplace of “Koroneiki variety”. This organic EVOO is exclusively produced from our olive groves in Pylos-Navarino region of Messenia, Peloponnese.


“Koroneiki Organic EVOO”

Greek monovarietal Koroneiki exclusively from our latest harvest offers a charismatic, high-end, pure olive oil with a brilliant green color, rich herbaceous flavor and fresh aroma. Experience MONOGRAM’S opulence of nature, discover the Koroneiki variety, the Queen of olive cultivars. Koroneiki (O. europeae var. Microcarpa alba) is an indigenous Greek olive variety, recognized worldwide as one of the most preferred cultivars for olive oil production. Its name derives from “Koroni”, a small coastal town in the south-east part of Messinia in the Peloponnese, the birthplace of “Koroneiki variety”. This organic EVOO is exclusively produced from our olive groves in Pylos-Navarino region of Messenia, Peloponnese.

Produced according to strict national and international standards of organic handling, farming, and cultivation.

SENSORY PROFILE: Cultivated in our Organic Olive Groves in the legendary area of Pylos-Navarino in Messinia, Peloponnese, one of the most climatically ideal Mediterranean locations for olive cultivation. It has an exceptional vivid deep green colour, velvety texture with a robust fruity characteristic flavor and scent of freshly-cut grass, green leaves and wild-herbs. Its taste is powerfully fresh and harmonious with subtle notes of artichoke and green pepper, offering a pleasurable delicate spicy finish. This is the special distinctive character of our MONOGRAM Organic -Koroneiki variety Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The joy of working with nature and producing an extraordinary Organic product is what we want to fulfil – an eco-friendly olive oil with unparalleled health benefits.


Origin/ Pylos- Navarino, Messinia.
Harvest period / Early October.
Process/ Early-harvest & Cold-extracted <27oC.
Tasting profile / Powerfully fresh and fruity with offering a rich peppery tickle.

FOOD PAIRING: The “Koroneiki –Early harvest Monovarietal” of MONOGRAM collection belongs to the “Robust” olive oils. Robust is meant for hearty dishes that already have an impactful flavor to them. With a bold dish like a grilled steak, you’d want to use a more intense olive oil with more prominent flavors, something where the bitterness and pungency elements are more prominently expressed. It works well with bold flavors: grilled or roasted meat (beef, lamb), strong cheeses, soups (drizzled on top), marinades, pasta sauce and of course as a finishing oil in bitter green salads


Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil-Early harvest.
Working organically with nature from grove to bottle is a personal gratification that motivates us to offer the purest olive oil we can for you.
Produced according to strict national and international standards of organic handling, farming and cultivation. Pruned, harvested and bottled with full control of eco-production from root to table.


Premium dark glass bottle designed to absorb 99.9% UV light, preserving the aroma, flavor, and quality of our product. The aluminum screw-on closure is patented as non-refillable, anti-drip, and tamper-proof following the latest European regulations so as to protect the quality of the product. The pourer is designed for a perfectly controlled flow.

Available in 250ml and 500ml.

Health & nutritional claims
All our “MONOGRAM MONOVARIETALS” belong to the category of “High-polyphenolic EVOOs” that protect the blood lipids from oxidative stress according to the European Commission legislation (E.U Reg. 432/2012).
Our early harvesting contributes to a higher concentration of polyphenol antioxidants which are widely praised for their disease-fighting properties, providing antioxidants that have been scientifically linked to the prevention of health-related diseases.
Apart from the health claim as “High-polyphenolic EVOOs”, they also include a on their label the nutritional claim “High in Mono-unsaturated fat, Oleic acid” which can help to lower LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, and risk of coronary disease (according to the European Commission legislation (Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006)

Additional information

250ml, 500ml