Greece Kalamata


We are third-generation olive producers in Kalamata,Peloponnese, home of the world-famous Kalamata olives

We are third-generation olive producers in Kalamata,
Peloponnese, home of the world-famous Kalamata olives.
Established in 2018, Monogram is a family-owned and
operated business, with people at the heart of everything
we do.

Our family olive groves, with trees as old as 100 years,
benefit from the unique microclimate of our region. The
fresh sea breeze of the Ionian sea that engulfs them,
the mild winters that help them grow, the morphology
of the soil, and the close monitoring by our expert
scientific team play a crucial role in ensuring we produce
exceptional harvests of the highest quality, aroma, and
flavor with the signature of Monogram.

We produce both traditional and organic olive oil of the
Koroneiki cultivar, the Queen of Greek olive cultivars,
and source additional monovarietals of exceptional
quality from Lakonia, Lesvos, and Thrace.

⸻ About
Historical evidence proves that Messinia was among the first regions to cultivate the sacred tree of the goddess Athena

Historical evidence proves that Messinia was among the first regions to cultivate the sacred tree of the goddess Athena. One of the oldest recorded olive trees in the world still thrives in Kalamata, where it continues to blossom and produce olives after 17 centuries.

⸻ EVOO & Virgin Olive Oil
Overall, we try to minimize the input to our olive groves and constantly strive to reduce our environmental footprint

Our Harvesting

We avoid late harvesting, carefully collecting only the healthy fruit. In doing so, we ensure that our products maintain all their complex organoleptic characteristics, such as color, fragrance, and fluidity. For our organic produce, we use farming practices in accordance with the international standards of organic and sustainable farming practices.

Overall, we try to minimize the input to our olive groves and constantly strive to reduce our environmental footprint.

Our Processing
We partner exclusively with an EN ISO 22000 certified olive mill, to extract the highest quality olive oil. We transport the olive fruits to the olive mill immediately after harvesting, cold press, and knead them in less than 30 minutes. As a result, we produce great-tasting, nutritious extra virgin olive oil varietals, with a high count of polyphenols and loaded with disease-fighting antioxidants and powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Our Storage and Packaging
We store our olive oil in stainless-steel tanks with inert gas feeding equipment and cooling jacket sleeves to maintain an intact temperature and protect against oxidation caused by air contact.

All our bottles are patented with non-refillable, anti-drip, tamper-proof closures and we use only eco-friendly packaging.

⸻ Natural Environment