Corsica, France

Alphonsi Sophie

My name is Sophie Alfonsi, I am 42 years old, and I work with passion our olive trees with the help of my father Jean.

My name is Sophie ALFONSI, I am 42 years old and I work with passion our olive trees with the help of my father Jean. François and my sister Virginie. Nature lover, I undertook a vocational training in olive growing and certifying 7 years ago to be able to exploit the olive grove created by the long passionate grafting work carried out by my father 10 years ago. I have been installed for 3 years and the farm is evolving towards a family farm with pleasure since we now work there as a family with the sister and my father.

⸻ About
We have 600 olive trees resulting from the grafting of wild oleasts in the Southern Ghjermana variety known as 'aliva nera'.

We have 600 olive trees resulting from the grafting of wild oleasts in the Southern Ghjermana variety known as ‘aliva nera’. This work of passion today results in the production of a quality extra virgin olive oil which fills us with pride. Out of conviction and respect for nature, we have been producing using organic production methods since the creation of the olive grove. We are in the process of organic certification with ecocert. This year we produced 350 liters of quality extra virgin olive oil harvested from 310 olive trees in production.

⸻ EVOO & Virgin Olive Oil
Located in Corsica, in the heart of the Grossa valley, in the Sartenais, our olive grove is located on a dominant plateau near the sea.

Located in Corsica, in the heart of the Grossa valley, in the Sartenais, our olive grove is located on a dominant plateau near the sea. It is surrounded by wild scrubland exhaling its scents, our olives ripen there slowly to the rhythm of this still place wild and untouched.

⸻ Natural Environment
