Carmel Saba
I am Carmel, was born in Israel, in Osafia
I am Carmel, was born in Israel, in Osafia, I went to high school in Haifa, and after I went to learn about the Druz culture in Lebanon and Syria. we are growing olives for 3 generations and I inherited the right to continue producing olive oil in my family. Since the age of 10, I have helped my grandpa and father in the field. These days it was not easy, but I wanted to learn more and more and went to almost all professionals courses on producing olive oil. I was the first one who put irrigation in my olive field and convinces others to follow!
I was the first one who put irrigation in my olive field
I was the first one who put irrigation in my olive field, I also progressed with fertilization and used modern techniques… Many people in the village tried to convince me to stay traditional but I insisted on going further. After I saw that I can produce more oil, people came to ask me how did I do it…. While progressing, I was helping my producer’s friends put irrigation systems and saw progress in our village production abilities. I have also publishe more about our oil and its health and culinary values, to modernize farmers’ ways.
I feel people are started being proud, wanting to be part of the 'miracle' that happened in the village
After the testing course, I have decided to filter the oil and produce it immediately after the harvest, and I saw a huge difference in the taste and quality of the oil. Clients who tasted the good oil started to consume way more! We also started to spread the techniques in the village and explain how they can help our economy, environment, knowledge, and even raise pride in our culture. I feel people are started being proud, wanting to be part of the ‘miracle’ that happened in the village. That is why I teach others for free. I take NO money for my help since I want all to progress and grow.